You are safe.
You are lying in the arms of Nature.

You are absolutely safe. Nature is embracing you.


Now, close your eyes and relax.
Feel everything relaxing from your scalp, to your facial muscles,
to your tongue and lips, and breathe slowly.


While closing your eyes,
let your eyes roll freely in their sockets. With nothing to focus on,
just let your eyes roll around in all directions, and breathe slowly.


Feel the muscles in the back of your neck.
When you are completely at ease with yourself, remember to relax further.


Relax your chest. Take a deep breath. Hold.
Then, exhale out all your tension.


Deeply inhale peace. Keep breathing slowly,
releasing more and more tension as you exhale.


You are Nature's child.
Nature forgives everything you do,
In forgiveness, extinguish all your fears.


You are Nature's child.
Nature takes in all your mistakes,
In warmth, melt away all your anxiety.


You are Nature 's child.
Nature takes care of your entire life,


In embrace, open up your heart.


Your body, now relaxed, feels warm and safe.
As you are feeling relaxed, happiness permeates your body.


Tell yourself that there are no bones in your body, only relaxation.


Tell yourself,
I am not this body,
I am just this deep and regular breathing.


Feel the deep and comfortable security between the back of your heart and your spine.


Let us breathe deeply three times, breathe in the peaceful air,
breathe out the last trace of anxiety.


First breath:
Inhale peace, exhale nervousness.


Second breath:
Inhale safety, exhale nervousness.


Third breath:
Inhale tranquility, exhale nervousness.


You are not your body.
Your body rises from Buddha-Nature and will eventually dissolve into Buddha-Nature.


You are the comfort and relaxation in your body. In comfort there is none of your body.
Relaxation is your body.


You are not consciousness in the brain.
Consciousness rises from Buddha-Nature and will eventually disappear into Buddha-Nature.


You are the purity and transparency in your consciousness. In purity there is none of your consciousness.
Transparency is your consciousness.


You are not feelings in your heart.
Feelings rise from Buddha- Nature and will eventually melt into Buddha-Nature.


You are the inner peace of serenity in feelings. Within the inner peace there is none of your feelings. Serenity is your heart.


Nature is within you. You are within Nature.


Take your life's form,
Surrender it to Nature's protection. Take your consciousness and memories, Merge it into Nature's heart.


Let go of yourself.
Within your peaceful and soft body,
is Nature's deep love, pure and rich love.


You are immersed in love. Only love is you.


You are safe.
You are absolutely safe.

